Fight To Win, Democrats!

Democrats need to stop playing placating games and go on the offensive. Particularly progressives, because we have regressed, significantly.

Kevin Putzier
9 min readJan 5, 2023
Photo by David Suarez on Unsplash

We need to stop the bullshit games. When the MAGA crowd starts throwing out their latest outrage our reaction should be to ignore them. They choose to act like toddlers and should be treated as such. Further, there should be no apology for it. Rather, a stern parental voice.

“Marge, we do not threaten people at the table. You’re in a time-out until you can speak civilly.”

“Andy, Paul, no, we cannot move the moon in order to avoid paying the piper for climate change. Go learn something.”

Things of that nature.

But more importantly, the DNC has no ground game in deep red states. I know, because I live in Idaho. You do not hear progressive voices here. At all. We are here, and we would help, but the DNC ignores us.

This creates a dissonance, where a great many people simply feel like the Republicans, even if they’re odious, are listening. I’ve been in a number of the deep red states, and it’s like this. There is no counterpoint. There is no aggressive presentation of policy and no real presence at all. The Democrats seem content to leave states…



Kevin Putzier

I am a practicalist, which means I take political and social ideas from all sides and try to find what works. Mostly Progressive.