The One Big Solution Does Not Exist.

I am going to focus on energy production and transitioning from fossil fuels in this rant

Kevin Putzier
5 min readOct 9, 2022
Photo by Kouji Tsuru on Unsplash

Warning: This is a rant.

This is specifically aimed at conservatives, but progressives should pay attention. Because I’m about to lay into a really stupid conversation that happens every fucking day on every fucking medium of discussion.

That discussion, using the word advisedly, goes like this.

“We can’t just stop using fossil fuels! It would be catastrophic!”

Guess what, those of you mounting this “argument”?

You’re right!

Further, I dare you to find even ONE progressive who has proposed a full stop right now.

This is one of the cornerstones of the conservative backlash against all solutions proposed by the left, the middle, or the neutral who want our world to still be habitable by our descendants.

Sorry, not sorry. None of us have ever made this argument. YOU HAVE! Over and over and over again, like a damn hamster on crack in a caged wheel.

Knock it off. You’re capable of thought. Engage that brain for something useful.



Kevin Putzier

I am a practicalist, which means I take political and social ideas from all sides and try to find what works. Mostly Progressive.